??High salary?Up to 25k per month, Working Visa Provided.

Beijing, China | 9,000 to 25,000CNY per month

??High salary?Up to 25k per month, Working Visa Provided.

job in Beijing

Salary and Benefits:

1. Salary:9000RMB-25000RMB

2.Accommodation:Free accommodations

3.Airport fetch and one year contract end flight ticket provided .

4.Extra tips for each students enrolled may be present for teachers with lots of experience .


Job responsibility :

1. Student’s age?3-14 years old .

2. Prepare lesson , teach lesson , prepare demo , make lesson plan .

3. Parental communication , feedback from students .



1. Good pronunciation .

2. Prefer native , non native is fine too .

3. Prefer someone with degree but no degree also fine .

4. Prefer someone who has tefl .

5. Prefer someone with experience don’t have is fine we can do training

6. Likes children , and easy to communicate personality , someone who can work in China at least a year .

Apply for this job

Homeroom Teacher

Homeroom Teacher

, Korea

Leader of Process Management

Leader of Process Management O2C

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Both native and non-native

Both native and non-native are welcome~~Shanghai, we need ESL teacher

Shanghai, China

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